
"Mmmmm...that's good Brave!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cubs 10 Braves 1

Well, at least Brave-O-Matic wasn't glued to the TV set after the fourth inning...Thomson still ain't got it -- he appears to be healthy, but whatever finely tuned motor function that allows for success at this level seems to be eluding him. Not that it's panic time -- we've still got a 3.5 game lead, but we've got to figure out who our #3 starter is going to be. So far Thomson and Hampton have shown nothing, and HoRam.....well, it's just hard to have any faith in him. Sosa is, I believe, needed in the bullpen.

I'm sure Joey Devine didn't think this was going to be easy, despite the success of so many other Braves rookies, but two grand slams in two appearances? A few more appearances like that and the production crew will have to shut down Parent Cam...


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