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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Francouer's Troubles

Watching Francouer swing right now is a painful experience. Here's what to look for in the next few games: We know that both Andruw and Francouer will be fed a steady diet of sliders off the plate, as they both seem to find them irresistible. But watch their swings on these pitches -- Andruw might miss it by trying to pull the ball, but his head will stay relatively level, and he stands a good chance of fouling off a very tough pitch. But Francouer's head is everywhere when he swings. There's no way he can keep his eye on the ball, which makes me wonder how likely it is that he'll break out of this slump in any significant way. It looks to me that he'll have to change his approach before he'll experience any consistent success.

I think he should take a look at Langerhans who, while possessing nowhere near the raw talent of Francouer, has hammered out a consistent, repeatable swing that he can rely on when things aren't going so well.


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